星期六, 2月 21, 2009


被Tag了: 我的16項...別浪費, 權作博客一篇......

01. 我活在愛中, 每天感謝主使我一無所缺: 整齊和洽的家, 交心忠貞的愛人, 相互扶持的朋友, 善良認真的同事.....世上還有更好的事麼?

02. 自從2007年5月嘗過16個月的半退休生活後, 我經常考慮第二次退休, 然後重返校園唸藝術, 文學, 哲學, 神學 ......尚在思想爭扎當中......

03. 我沒有耐性, 討厭愚蠢而且無heart 的人, 一見就炆, 萬試萬靈......不信你試試>.<

04. 我懷疑自己中了咖啡因毒, 每天不喝咖啡或可樂會有蟻咬!

05. 我喜愛閱讀, 喜歡張大春和余華, 甚至在過去十年迷戀Harry Potter, 總之天馬行空/荒誕浮誇/無厘頭通通都愛, 最討厭工具書/扮有深度/自己編輯的那種財經書......呵呵, 擺明倒米......

06. 我想念雲南, 想念曼谷, 想念天津, 想念十年前的北京, 對香港完全沒感覺......

07. 我缺乏意志力/堅毅不屈的精神, 答應過自己的事總是做不到......每次趕工作deadline, 永遠到最後一秒中才集中精神>.<

08. 我表面好nice, 容易相處, 看似健談, 其實內心好鬼mean, 甚麼也看不順眼......>.<

09. 我是孤獨的栗子, 需要私人空間, 試過一個人唱K, 飲茶, 睇戲, 行山, BBQ, 甚至去美國的迪士尼......

10. 我是全香港打字最慢兼最差的編輯!!! Yeah!!!

11. 識我都知, 我是蟹癡: 毛蟹/松葉蟹/加菲蟹/青蟹/皇皮蟹/黃油蟹/ 阿拉斯加蟹/ 膏蟹/ 花蟹/ 三點蟹/ 奄仔, 都是至愛!

12. 我是矛盾怪, 想食齋, 卻捨不得放棄我至愛的蟹; 想早睡早起, 但晚上捨不得睡, 早上又捨不得起; 想流浪, 卻呆在家中不出門; 想以生命改變生命, 卻每每對現實世界感到失望......

13. 我硬頸, 愈發脾氣愈不作聲......

14. 我一聽到Samuel把聲, 就感覺relax, 開始問自己為甚麼要上班? 為甚麼在香港? 然後倒頭便睡......呵呵......Samuel不在香港, 我會掛念他;他一回香港, 我就趕他走......

15. 我故意讓自己生活簡單, 以求早得財務自由......

16. 可能荷爾蒙作怪, 我近年忽然想生仔!

星期四, 2月 19, 2009


中環, 是最多八卦消息流傳的地方, 實際可能比娛樂圈更甚......

當大家口耳相傳, 李國寶「 三點不露 」; 李民橋留連老蘭的時間多於辦公室; 李民斌又疑是購入毒資產的揸fit 人......

請問, 你還有什麼原因要買0023?

星期五, 1月 09, 2009

十堆小白鼠 in a decade

1994-1998年, 政府採取強硬政策推行母語教學; 2010-2011年, 學校將不再分為「中中」和「英中」, 回到原地。

政府話: 自此以後, 學校可按學校情況,包括學生需要、教師能力及準備情況、學校支援措施等,決定以「分班」、「分組」、「分科」及/或「分時段」安排學生以英語學習。

(咁......係唔係就算我的英文講到bah bah聲, 但教Chem個李sir英文唔掂, 佢就可以用中文教? 又或者隔離位阿May讀History, 我就讀世界歷史? 抑或係上晝的數學堂就用中文教, 下晝的數學堂就用英文?如果我讀中文班, 隔離英文班疑似吳尊的帥哥會唔會睇唔起我? 如果我需要用中文學習, 但阿媽死要我英文學習, 又會唔會發生倫理大悲劇?既然咁flexible, 我又可唔可以當Miss Chan係nicam, 按心情自選語言?)

花費十億元, 港府曰之為「微調」。聽罷, 我只有眼眉挑......

高官興之所至, 政策便朝令夕改; 田氏兄弟選舉時還死撐母語教學「大成功」, 轉過頭竟又將「成功」政策推倒? 可憐近十年才升中的小白鼠, 兩頭不靠岸, 怕且會成為全香港大學及僱主的下下之選。

廣州仁兄說, 我們還是努力工作, 他日供子女讀直資或國際學校好了......

在香港, 貧窮的確會遺傳的!

星期二, 10月 07, 2008

我承認, 我知得遲

10月5日, 財經事務及庫務局局長陳家強冒死亮相鄭大班的電視節目<也文也武>。


堂堂一個前香港科技大學工商管理學院院長, 在明顯準備不足的狀態下, 被名嘴蹂躪至血肉模糊, 實屬意料中事。

不過, 鄭大班一句:「美國財長上星期在聽證會上說, 雷曼兄弟出事, 已街知巷聞...... 我們去年就知道美國出現次按問題, 為何仍容許雷曼推出是類產品......」說著說著更變成:「雷曼兄弟出事、次按問題, 去年已街知巷聞......」我怎也聽不順耳。Well, 如雷曼即將倒閉一事真的街知巷聞, 名嘴何故不於去年便挺身而出提醒小市民? 何故不早早沽空華爾街一眾金融股, 好使自己發過李實發?

本著求真精神, 不如看看財長原文, 總好過人云亦云:

"Chairman Dodd, Senator Shelby, members of the committee, thank you for the opportunity to appear before you today. I appreciate that this is a difficult period for the American people. I also appreciate that Congressional leaders and the Administration are working closely together so that we can help the American people by quickly enacting a program to stabilize our financial system.

We must do so in order to avoid a continuing series of financial institution failures and frozen credit markets that threaten American families’ financial well-being, the viability of businesses both small and large, and the very health of our economy.

The events leading us here began many years ago, starting with bad lending practices by banks and financial institutions, and by borrowers taking out mortgages they couldn’t afford. We’ve seen the results on homeowners – higher foreclosure rates affecting individuals and neighborhoods. And now we are seeing the impact on financial institutions. These bad loans have created a chain reaction and last week our credit markets froze – even some Main Street non-financial companies had trouble financing their normal business operations. If that situation were to persist, it would threaten all parts of our economy.

As we’ve worked through this period of market turmoil, we have acted on a case-by-case basis — addressing problems at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, working with market participants to prepare for the failure of Lehman Brothers, and lending to AIG so it can sell some of its assets in an orderly manner. We have also taken a number of powerful tactical steps to increase confidence in the system, including a temporary guaranty program for the U.S. money market mutual fund industry. These steps have been necessary but not sufficient.

More is needed. We saw market turmoil reach a new level last week, and spill over into the rest of the economy. We must now take further, decisive action to fundamentally and comprehensively address the root cause of this turmoil.

And that root cause is the housing correction which has resulted in illiquid mortgage-related assets that are choking off the flow of credit which is so vitally important to our economy. We must address this underlying problem, and restore confidence in our financial markets and financial institutions so they can perform their mission of supporting future prosperity and growth.

We have proposed a program to remove troubled assets from the system. This troubled asset relief program has to be properly designed for immediate implementation and be sufficiently large to have maximum impact and restore market confidence. It must also protect the taxpayer to the maximum extent possible, and include provisions that ensure transparency and oversight while also ensuring the program can be implemented quickly and run effectively.

The market turmoil we are experiencing today poses great risk to US taxpayers. When the financial system doesn’t work as it should, Americans’ personal savings, and the ability of consumers and businesses to finance spending, investment and job creation are threatened.

The ultimate taxpayer protection will be the market stability provided as we remove the troubled assets from our financial system. I am convinced that this bold approach will cost American families far less than the alternative – a continuing series of financial institution failures and frozen credit markets unable to fund everyday needs and economic expansion.

Over these past days, it has become clear that there is bipartisan consensus for an urgent legislative solution. We need to build upon this spirit to enact this bill quickly and cleanly, and avoid slowing it down with other provisions that are unrelated or don’t have broad support. This troubled asset purchase program on its own is the single most effective thing we can do to help homeowners, the American people and stimulate our economy.

Earlier this year, Congress and the Administration came together quickly and effectively to enact a stimulus package that has helped hard-working Americans and boosted our economy. We acted cooperatively and faster than anyone thought possible. Today we face a much more challenging situation that requires bipartisan discipline and urgency.

When we get through this difficult period, which we will, our next task must be to address the problems in our financial system through a reform program that fixes our outdated financial regulatory structure, and provides strong measures to address other flaws and excesses. I have already put forward my recommendations on this subject. Many of you also have strong views, based on your expertise. We must have that critical debate, but we must get through this period first.

Right now, all of us are focused on the immediate need to stabilize our financial system, and I believe we share the conviction that this is in the best interest of all Americans.

Thank you. "

我只看到保爾森說:「事件弄至今時今日的田地, 源於過去幾年來, 銀行及金融機構的不良借貸, 以及貸款人不量力而為地借取按揭...... 」而財長大人近日正致力與市場參與者為雷曼兄弟之衰亡, 做好準備。

雷曼倒閉之前, 其優先債券屬A+評級, 至2008年3月中標準普爾才將其前景評級調至負面。香港是自由的金融之都, 市場推出一隻衍生產品掛鈎一間獲A+評級的機構的信譽, 有什麼不妥?我不是說錯買雷曼迷你債券的公公婆婆不可憐, 但看見「馬後炮」之人扮先知, 我實在想嘔。

星期五, 10月 03, 2008


聽於銀行工作的K說, 其分行收到客戶送來的白菊...... 嗯, 估計是提早為一眾職員提早慶祝重陽吧!

閱報得悉豐明銀行主動與購入了雷曼迷你債券的客戶和解。 請教業內人士, 原來各大銀行都正進行內部調查, 翻查職員向客戶銷售結構性產品時, 到底有沒有依足證監規定行事。

Well, 其實迷你債券本身就是一場賭大細的遊戲。簡單來說, 就是某些金融機構購入了一批公司債券後, 為怕發債公司倒閉, 於是借助偉大的金融工程, 將有關風險轉嫁出去。購入迷你債券的投資者, 其實就是與金融機構對賭, 押注發債的公司不會倒閉。只不過, 今鋪開細......

銀行職員有沒有向客戶解釋清楚風險, 銷售的過程中有沒有將債券與迷你債券混為一談, 當然備受質疑。就算有, 又如何?多少投資者會想到, 五大美資投行之一的雷曼會關門大吉......

不過, 我倒想知道, 今次以正義姿態要求銀行優先處理雷曼投訴的證監, 當初又為什麼會批准此類結構性產品, 以"債券"之名問世?

IFC近來風聲鶴唳, 朋友S說到自己將由investment banker淪落到成為接受存款銀行職員, 難免心有戚戚然; 加上同行UBS大量裁減人手, 亦不禁擔心手頭上拆倉的工作完成後, 飯碗不保...... 由天津回流廣州的那位仁兄說:"Oh, 原來都係賣衛巾安全d!"

當中產港女開始將以前買下的LV/Prada/Gucci/BV/ABCDEFG手袋搬往米蘭站套現, 中產港男亦與保時捷/林寶堅尼/ 寶馬/ 奔馳等一眾小老婆分手......小女子便開始等待, 等他日西九龍假豪宅斷供劈價, 或許就是入市時 。

星期四, 8月 28, 2008


奧運落幕, 小妹維時十六個月的悠長假期, 正式宣告結束。

重墮凡塵, 轉行之後, 再搬屋 ... ... 希望脫下蛹殼的蝴蝶, 能美麗重生 ... ...

星期四, 1月 10, 2008


聖誕前, 跟正發燒感冒的天津仁兄, 到了盤山滑雪。(很多很多年前, 我倆到三藩市旅行時, 遇上一場怪雪, 老兄他亦是高燒在身... ...)

天津的溫度, 每日介乎正負五度左右, 但當地人
說, 今年是罕見的暖冬。香港已經沒有冬天, 多
少年以後, 中國北方也四季不分了?
多白的雪降在中國土地上, 也只會化成一潭污水。



走過2007年, 自己經歷了一場人生革命, 家庭事業愛情, 通通起了變化... ...失去了一些, 卻換回更多更珍貴的東西... ...

「幸福, 是一件很沉悶的事。」應該是導演許鞍華的名言吧? 對的, 你可能猜想我在津悶得發慌, 我觀自在心, 卻感到幸福無比... ...